2 experts, 2 backgrounds in the fresh, frozen and organic industry, looking forward to representing you with professionalism and joie de vivre.

Aloe Vera
Jus et Poudre

Inuline et Sirop

What we offer

Since the creation of the company in 2006, our motivation has always been to select raw ingredients from plants whose benefits for health and beauty are recognized.

We are an importer and distributor of the range of products from aloe vera Badensis Miller manufactured by Natural & Organic Farms Mexico, a professional producer with an incredible know-how and employing only local people.

We represent the Mexican leader in products from tequilana blue weber agave, Nutriagaves:
  • Agave syrup, a substitute for traditional sugar with a low glycemic index
  • Agave inulin (fructo oligosaccharides), a natural organic prebiotic, a fat substitute as well as a natural texturizer.

    In both product ranges, we manage a stock in Europe allowing us to deliver to the beverage, food, cosmetics, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries.
    Our products are certified by all expert organizations in these industries.

  • Contacts


    +33 06 62 02 01 00
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    Paris, France

    41 rue d’Aguesseau,
    92100 Boulogne Billancourt


    +33 07 60 96 48 84
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    Why choose us ?

    We understand your time is precious and finding time to explore new opportunities across the globe can seem like a daunting task. We can make a difference for you and provide a new life to your organization. We can promise you we will provide you our services with objectivity, sincerity and respect. We are passionate about our work. We are looking forward to meeting yand working with you.

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    Meet Sunkist Pummelos!

    October 15, 2024

    Meet Sunkist Pummelos!

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    Severine will be happy to meet you at the Vigo exhibition center for the 25th international Frozen Seafood trade show. #conxemar #seafrigo #frozenseafood #frozenprocessedfood

    September 12, 2024

    Severine will be happy to meet you at the Vigo exhibition center for the 25th international Frozen Seafood trade show. #conxemar #seafrigo #frozenseafood #frozenprocessedfood

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    See you in Atlanta @intlfreshproduceassn October 17 - 19. We are looking forward to seeing you again. Stop by our booth #B3639. #citrus #sunkistgrowers

    September 12, 2024

    See you in Atlanta @intlfreshproduceassn October 17 - 19. We are looking forward to seeing you again. Stop by our booth #B3639. #citrus #sunkistgrowers

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    September 12, 2024

    See you @feriafruitattraction October 8th, 9th and 10th.

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    Orange Juice Pricing

    The past few days, a number of articles have been published in French and international papers about the price increase of orange juice. Some of you asked me why.
    Without going into too many details, diseases and the climate change are the main causes.
    The U.S., Mexico and South Africa have seen lower production numbers this past year but Brazil, as the world’s largest producer has been hit the hardest. HLB* remains a constant threat and despite heavy research investments the past decade, we are still years away from the miracle solution (there is hope ; progress has been made).
    As tough as HLB is, the citrus groves suffered the most from the climate change. Brazil was hit by water shortages and high temperatures during the flowering season, resulting in less pieces per trees. Weather patterns, floods, hale, freezes, heavy winds have impacted South Africa this season.
    Basically, the tight supply worldwide is allowing the price of O.J. to reach new highs. Those high prices are expected to last at least another year or two, more according to some specialists, but only time will tell. In the meantime, do not hesitate to enjoy daily some fresh and healthy oranges, preferably #Sunkist oranges 😊!
    What we know, is that growers worldwide are working hard to face all the challenges and to supply us with the best and safest crop possible.
    I hope that reply will answer your question.
    Thank you.


    *Citrus greening is spread by the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), a tiny sap-sucking insect that carries CLas, the bacterium that causes HLB. Psyllids transmit the disease as they feed. Once the disease is established, the fruits turn green and the trees die a few years later.




    Our mission is to use our expertise and joie de vivre to connect producers, customers and consumers worldwide, to contribute to everyone’s success and satisfaction, while promoting healthy and sustainable fresh and frozen produce.


    • Our Vision is to be highly regarded by all our partners. The continuous development of our services, our hard work and our reliability are allowing our customers to be successful and enjoying themselves.
      We all smile, we are making a difference.


    • Respect for All individuals
      Creation of Win-Win partnerships
      Customer focused
      Embrace and drive change
      Acting daily for our planet
      FUN! Have fun with a positive attitude